Friday, February 17, 2012

Is your cellphone Kosher?

No, I'm not talking about whether there are any racy images on there or whether you have a smartphone that will allow you to access questionable websites. This is about what's really inside your phone and where those parts come from.

Here is a snippet from a powerful article about the Solar Cooker Project, which our teen group is raising funds & awareness for this year:

“Is your cell phone kosher?” Janice Kamenir-Reznik asked. “It’s not. Every one of our cell phones has rape minerals in it.”

Most people are undoubtedly saddened when they hear things like this, but very few believe anything they could possibly do could actually make a difference. Kamenir-Reznik is one of those very few. As co-founder and president of Jewish World Watch, an organization with a global footprint dedicated to the fight against genocide and mass atrocities, she has devoted herself full-time to helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world: those in the Darfur region of Sudan and Congo.

Read more here:

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